Guidelines for Creating a Realistic Commercial Construction Timeline

November 22, 2021

Guidelines on How to Create Realistic Commercial Construction Timeline

A construction project for a business can be very exciting, but only if you plan out your timeline carefully. Without proper and thorough planning it could turn into something of a nightmare! The key to avoiding this? Create realistic timelines with necessary resources that will allow us to avoid delays or subpar materials like shoddy concrete work from inexperienced contractors who don’t have all their ducks in order when working on these types of tasks at once.

Construction is a time-consuming process, and there’s always the risk of something going wrong. If you’re excited about your upcoming project for business but need more information on how long it’ll take before everything can go live or what sort of disruptions might happen during construction that could affect customer flow in negative ways then this article has all those questions answered.

1. Find a Good Contractor

Successful projects often start with a solid plan and great commercial contractor. An experienced, knowledgeable professional is the key to any successful business construction project because they bring so much expertise when it comes time for design or implementation of your building needs! Hiring an expert can be costly upfront but will save you money in future plans based on all of their connections and resources that came alongside this investment from day one – don’t hesitate; call now before another company takes them first.

Commercial Contractors are the best choice for commercial construction projects. They have experience working with a team of niche specialists, and they’ll be able to choose who is most talented in order to make your timeline! With their assistance from our industry expertise you can count on them as we nail down an agenda together so that everything runs smoothly at every turn.

2. Talk to Your Team and Contractors

It’s essential to talk with everyone on your team before drawing up the construction timeline so that no one is left waiting for their materials or tasks. Get an idea of when they expect them, if any special orders need to be made too (elevator may come in sooner), and how long each person believes it’ll take overall- this way not only will you know what resources are needed but also don’t spend time trying build things people won’t be able complete. It is important to be realistic about the time you’ll need for building projects. Make sure your schedule includes space in case of unforeseen problems or delays, and don’t forget that this will save a lot of headaches later on.

When you work with an experienced construction partner, they will have all the answers and make sure everything is laid out for your convenience.

3. Assess Materials

This is an important step in the construction process. When you are working to create a timeline, it’s crucial that not only do all your materials come at cost but also with enough time for delivery since they will be needed on site when things start happening! Be sure and double check costs too – this way there isn’t any extra expense due just because someone made mistakes during planning or specifications which could throw off everything else going forward if left unchecked until after finishing up certain parts/steps within project completion stage without warning clients beforehand wouldn’t want to give them much notice ahead. Make sure your supplier submits shop drawings for review prior to product shipment. This will help ensure that you are receiving what was advertised in both quantity and content, as well as quality control from the start of production all the way through the delivery date.

4. Balanced Need and Wants

If only we had all the time in this world to complete our construction projects… Unfortunately, the longer these are drawn out, the more money it costs. They can also affect a business negatively like for instance when some must be completed before their season or meet certain demands with circumstantial variables at play. Construction timelines are always tough, but they can be made more manageable with the right planning. For example: don’t forget that you’ll have to account for your own schedule when working backwards from an expected completion date – this is important so as not to rush or sacrifice quality work in order to meet time constraints.

5. Track Your Project

You know your building team’s style. Some like to start running things with technology, while others can’t live without their notepad and pen for every meeting from here on out! When you’re creating a construction timeline it’s best that each member of staff chooses which format they’ll use in order make sure everything gets recorded properly – whether its dates or materials needed are important components we should be keeping track at all times as customers expect nothing less than excellence when interacting with us by phone/email during job progress updates so there won’t ever need more communication back-and-forth unless something changes unexpectedly (which happens). 

Whether you’re in the design or construction phase, it’s important to stay on top of things. With so many tools available for us now and an open culture about how work gets done at every level within our company – from leadership all the way down – creativity is flourishing across departments.

It is important to be flexible and know that you may need to make adjustments. The best way of keeping your project on track, as well as ensuring each trade contractor has an up-to date schedule for themselves with what they are expected at any given time during construction, would be by presenting them a three week look ahead every single week, so no one gets too far behind or falls further behind than anticipated.

With a realistic construction timeline in hand, your team will be able to stay focused and produce quality work. At JeBailey & Co., we manage commercial and industrial projects in a wide range of markets. We specialize in construction management services, so you can trust us to deliver the best results possible for your project.

If you’d like to learn more about the commercial building process or speak with someone about your commercial project, contact JeBailey & Co. today at (407) 559-6412, or email us at to learn more about our other services or request a quote!

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