How Site Planning is Critical to Any Commercial Construction Project

April 20, 2022

Site Planning is Critical to Any Commercial Construction Project

Site planning is a critical element that should not be overlooked when constructing any commercial building. It’s essential to include the location and regulations governing it since both have an impact on the success of your structure whether you are aware or not! Site planning provides vital data, enabling us to make better decisions for our clients. The best part about site planning? Our new clients understand they need it but don’t realize all aspects included in its design process.

Site Planning Includes:


Trees and other vegetation provide insight into the stability of a site, its vulnerability to erosion. They also offer aesthetic and environmental benefits. Identifying existing vegetation allows you to pinpoint features that might be worth preserving or they can help fend off future problems with pollution, erosion, and storm water runoff if it is unable to preserve them.

If existing vegetation cannot be preserved then staging may need to take place first in order for construction work not damage any trees or plants already on-site before beginning new development plans which could cause further issues such as those mentioned above.


Soil data impacts several aspects of storm water management planning and erosion prevention. It also reveals which areas may be at greater risk for frost issues, creating problems for roads and parking areas.


A topographic map shows the placement of ecologically sensitive features, drainage patterns and slope gradients. Identifying these characteristics is important when planning for stability so you can avoid potential problems.

Hydrological Features

Water poses a serious threat to buildings everywhere. That’s why it is important for us to understand how water flows onto and off of properties. By identifying all the site’s hydrological features, we can ensure that natural drainage patterns will be able to integrate into design plans for this property in order remove any potential threats from flooding or runoff during storms. Analyzing these characteristics also indicates what additional measures might need implementing if necessary.

Adjacent Areas

When building a commercial property, it’s important to consider the properties and features that surround your construction site. Gathering data about these adjacent areas and their impacts can help you plan more effectively for them.

Travel Corridors

No matter what facility you are designing, it is important to consider the traffic patterns of those entering and exiting your property. The impact that roads, highways and stoplights can have on these travel patterns should be considered when creating an optimal design for a commercial campus.

Existing Infrastructure

Remedial actions can be taken to assess problems associated with buried waste materials, the improper disposal of debris and contaminated soils. The presence of existing structures, old wells or underground storage tanks pose additional complications that need to be assessed so these issues don’t cause headaches for property owners.

Natural and Historical Features

Before starting your project, consider any natural or historical features that may affect its progress. Natural features like bodies of water and sinkholes can be tricky to deal with during construction while historic buildings might need special permits. It’s important to identify these things early on so you can plan accordingly.


In many cases, modifying a design to comply can reduce headaches and costs by avoiding unnecessary changes or permits down the line when it comes time for construction of buildings, roads etc.. Planning ahead during this initial phase allows builders/developers more flexibility as they move forward instead of being stuck making costly adjustments now which may not be necessary if those factors were considered at inception.

At JeBailey & Co., we manage commercial and industrial projects in a wide range of markets. We specialize in construction management services, so you can trust us to deliver the best results possible for your project.

Contact us today at (407) 559-6412, or DM us to learn more about our other services or request a quote!

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