May 18, 2022

The warmer weather and longer days mean that summer is around the corner. The construction industry has been in a busy season for months, but it’s when those hot sun exposure come into play with all their risks. Summertime can be especially dangerous if you’re not careful to keep yourself safe from heat dangers.

Why is summer dangerous?

Heat-related illnesses are a major concern for employees working outdoors in the summer. These heat illness can cause human error and pose safety risks, as well as lead to employee losses of productivity that may decline morale at work over time.

Sunburns on an individual’s skin is one form these conditions take – another would include dehydration where there is reduced blood volume which leads too lightheadedness or dizziness when standing up quickly after sitting down too long without moving around first; then nausea follows suit along with headaches because your brain has been struggling against trying so hard just keep processing everything happening all together while sending signals out saying “stop!”. Without treatment, heat exhaustion will set in when the body’s core temperature reaches 104 degrees Fahrenheit. If left untreated for too long this can lead to death.

Mitigating summer constructions risk

Working conditions can be hazardous for your employees. They’re the backbone of any business, and when they’re absent or injured due to poor working condition? That jeopardizes everything you’ve worked so hard on building up. Make sure that safety is always at top priority by taking care not just their physical health but mental well-being as well with appropriate benefits like sick days – which are guaranteed under law in most states.

Keep them hydrated

Dehydration can be a slippery slope. Provide plenty of water to workers throughout the day, and make sure it’s cold that helps them stay hydrated! In fact, OSHA guidelines say you should always have access in case they need more fluids due their jobs being outdoors or at higher temperatures where type matters too such as during crucifying season when people are drinking tea all day long because well let’s just admit those two things go hand-in-hand.

Plan for contingencies

Construction sites are always at risk for bad weather, but extreme conditions can happen in an instant. Keeping your work site safe means making sure everyone knows how to take shelter if needed and establishing a liaison who is responsible with communications during emergencies like these storms we have been having lately.

Schedule accordingly

Construction is no easy feat but using the right tools to make it easier on yourself can help. There are many benefits of dawn-to-dusk work that include providing an opportunity for scheduling meetings or lunch breaks in between hours and changing up shifts so everyone gets a break every day. Use scheduling software with Critical Path Method calculations if you want better shift planning strategies.

Encourage exercise

Working construction takes plenty of physical stamina, but even the strongest employees can feel a little slower in hot summer heat. Stretching (under safe conditions) gives them an opportunity to stay healthy and confident while on site for their job which leads not only increased performance at work but also less chance, they’ll get injured or make any errors due to lackadaisical attitudes toward personal well-being! Incorporating short bursts from easy exercises will allow people across all skill levels participate so have fun connecting what we do here every day with our health benefits as workers.

Work with a Professionals

Whether you’re a contractor, subcontractor or project manager it is important to partner with the right team. Make sure that they have transparency about their safety policies and don’t hesitate to ask if this information isn’t already available on business website during vetting process.

When it comes to the summer construction safety of your job sites, we want you on our team. We know that every day is important, and each worker’s contribution matters just as much when working in hot weather conditions like these. So, let’s work together so all employees stay safe while making progress at their jobsites this season.

The importance of maintaining a productive safety program cannot be understated. We know firsthand how important it is for businesses and employees alike to stay up-to-date with current workplace regulations, as well as hazard elimination programs such Designated Safety Person or Committee memberships in order keep the workplace safe from accidents that may occur while someone else does their job.

At JeBailey & Co., we manage commercial and industrial projects in a wide range of markets all year round. We specialize in construction management services, so you can trust us to deliver the best results possible for your project. Contact us today at  (407) 559-6412, or email us at to learn more about our other services or request a quote!

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